D + R = the Creative shop


Through D+R Gesture Presentation, D2r Presents Yongsan International Business District's Development Plan as global hub. It's possible to user can  presentation through interaction of gesture sensing effectively.

Overall Analysis

  • It's possible to control Yongsan International Business District's development Plan and site renovation drawing through gesture and contents After zoom-in, zoom-out in Large LCD Projection

  • It's possible to anyone can presentation easily through a simple notable gesture.

  • User can zoom in and select the contents that shown through a large LCD and gestures to the public while he has presentation. Messages will be delivered with strong impact.

  • User can control the Interactive presentations in real time, it can be effectively utilized in fashion shows, product launch events, company conferences, etc.



Work Flow

Effect of directing innovative presentations

User can control the Interactive presentations in real time, it can be effectively utilized in fashion shows, product launch events, company conferences, etc.

Interlocking of Gesture sensing interlock

Dynamic motion is possible to the user who using gestures for presentations. Many people will captivate by appearance of the control projection video through gestures. User can directed dynamic message to users to making impact situations.

D + R ™'s Interactive Media Technology combined with Scalability

Screen's size, shape and the concept of space can be constructed by D + R ™ Interactive Media Technology. It can be linked with the others and it has excellent scalability. It's Ranging From simple and easy game to Interlocking control a wide variety contents.

Case Study

Gesture presentation is...

This Technology is control projecting images and contents by user's gesture. In various meetings and presentations, it can be an effective and ways to deliver the contents for it's impact.

  • Conference

    New presentation that using gesture is able to draw a lot of attention.

  • Performance

    It's able to show expressing concentration and diversification of the audience to take advantage of the interaction effects.

  • Promotion

    To take advantage of this dramatic elements for introduce the events product, it'll evokes people's fun and interest.

  • Video conference

    A large number of person can share and remote screen to conduct conference or meeting.
