D + R = the Creative shop


By Interactive Media named Product mapping, We tried to Stressed Skechers Twinkle Toes' Displayed products brand's identity and information.

Overall Analysis

  • Technology‘s Innovation
    Projection same sized three-dimensional images and graphic images above the actual product -Skechers Twinkle Toes.
  • Public awareness
    Products can install in indoor space such as showrooms, museums and exhibition halls. And possible to make any form or size from small to large.
  • User Experience
    User can feel the interactive element of fun through the linkage of product mapping and smart phone and can select the Product Mapping Style directly.
  • Ramifications
    It's able to fit the concept of the product and space's directing, so it has large effect of Recognition of the brand identity. Also the products' colorful graphic are one of enjoyable entertaining elements.



Work Flow


It can be delivered Brand Identity effectively in the visual design of the product characteristics' harmonization work. projection brand image video without any regard to place.

Interactive Communication by interlocking device,
such as Mobile and Interactive Sensor

User can select D+R Hologram Style through Mobile and D+R Hologram interlocking application. Also, the Interactive Sensor that responds to the user's gesture could directing variety of situations and giving variety of entertaining to people.

Various elements of fun

Reinterpretation of products through colorful graphic elements in the projection on it, is giving variety of entertaining to the customers and to provide a future entertainment and gaming elements.

Case Study

Projection Mapping is...

It's projection the 3D scanning image on the product. It provide a variety of experience with many devices such as distance perception, sound amplification sensor and mobile Interlocking to customer.

  • Store

    Products' spreads around the 3D imaging is Highlighted the products more fantastic and unique.

  • Promotion

    It's able to Customizing the installation Where a lot of people are, such as cinemas. So it can exposed the characteristics of the products effectively.

  • Fair / Exhibition Center

    In response to the interaction of people at fairs and exhibitions, It can delivery product's information and Characteristic features with a variety of effects.
